Here is a neat invitation card design. I wonder what USET will actually do. My friend came back from Holland and told me that a large CDI competition held in the Netherlands was made like a Chinese Festival. She said however when a singer started singing a Chinese Song, everyone burst into laughter. She was shocked because this would never happen in California because there is such a big Asian population here, but even her Dutch boy friend said, "But it sounded funny." Didn't one of Austin Powers movies made fun of the Dutch? Jackie Chan's English is definitely funny, perfect for his action comedies. It's just good to have some fun and laughters at these international equestrian events, that can get tense at times! Since we have decided not to go to Hong Kong to watch the game, we are shopping for a big flat panel TV. Too many to choose from...
I will need to go to Beijing right after the Olympics, and then again to Taiwan in October. I am hoping to squeeze out some time to visit Germany, but I doubt I have enough vacation days.