His great movements wowed the judges and spectators in spite of his uneven growth spurt at the moment. He achieved the following great honors:
Proud Meadow Fall Sporthorse Breed Shows I
- Second, Colts of 2007, 76.2%
- First, Hanoverian Individual Breed Class, 76.4%
Proud Meadow Fall Sporthorse Breed Shows II
- First, Colts of 2007, 72.4%
- Champion Colt
- Great American/USDF Breeders Cup Qualifier
Great American/USDF Breeders Cup Final
- Reserve Champion Colt 74.85%
Congratulations to owner Jacquie Hawks and Teddy's breeder Dr. Jackie Nixon-Fulton of Wild Oaks Ranch, that also earned great awards with their mare Rosantanz, by Rosathal and out of Teddy's dam, and another youngster from their breeding program, Prada.