Sunday, January 30, 2011
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Well, it's all about Facebook and Twitter the past 2 years. I did try out Twitter, and the end result is really information overflow. It is not for horse people but people who have just so much time on their hands they don't know what to do with it. Horse people are so busy having fun (or not) with their horses or working hard FOR their horses, so I don't think they have time for twitter. However, I did use it for about 10 months to report what I found on the net or report a couple of horsey events that I participated, but in the end I have to give up.
However, I am keeping up with my facebook updates. It's easier to communicate and pass information along with all the additional functionalities built in. However, being a SW engineer, I have to say it is a piece of c*$& from usability (especially navigation) and stability point of view. Also just like any internet search engine, if they missed a few postings, you wouldn't know the difference. Just don't let this company develop any control software for the airplanes. Haha.
Well, if you are interested, "friend" me :, or be a fan of Wonderful Sport Horses' page: (see my badges on the right hand side of the blog.)
This was a quiet year in terms of breeding business. It has been since 2008. Though we still bred more than some other nice stallions as reported by their owners, it was too few to keep it as a business due to the high cost of keeping them in the area with very expensive dirt. Our government being so poor, it certainly made sure IRS would produce; well it shut me down even though I explained to them the potential is great, like 15 million Euro great ;-) but they want the money NOW!
Some stallion owners can keep mares on their own farms and make up the income by selling foals or riding horses when they grow up. Unfortunately I don't have that option... yet. Without the tax deduction, there is no way for me to sponsor all the breedings going forward. We still have Montserrat's frozen semen available for sale. For now, I will focus on having fun with my horses and getting back to ride. I will look for opportunities to find an ideal home for Rubino Bellissimo. However, the price AND situation must be right, and I am very picky. After looking at Asian Games' mediocre scores and astronomical price tags of those horses, Rubino should go back into the limelight. If not, I am building that greener pasture...
Monday, January 11, 2010
Important Notice!
Urgent Notice:
Potential Danger of Horse Hair...This is a public service announcement ...
In a press release today, the National Institute of Health has announced the discovery of a potentially dangerous substance in the hair of horses. This substance, called "amobacter equuii" has been linked with the following symptoms in females:
"Amobacter equuii" is usually found in females but can occasionally infect males as well.

Potential Danger of Horse Hair...This is a public service announcement ...
In a press release today, the National Institute of Health has announced the discovery of a potentially dangerous substance in the hair of horses. This substance, called "amobacter equuii" has been linked with the following symptoms in females:
- Reluctance to cook, clean or do housework.
- Reluctance to wear make-up, good clothes or heels.
- Reluctance to spend money on home or car repairs until after "baby has new shoes, pad, blanket, tack, grain, hay & supplements".
Important notes:
- "Amobacter equuii" usually results in long hours away from home and exhaustion which may lead to a loss of physical contact with other humans (especially husbands).
- "Amobacter equuii" is thought to be addictive, driving the need for additional sources - this may lead to a "herd mentality" or, like the potato chip commercial, "you can't have just one".
- Beware! If you come in contact with a female human infected by this substance, be prepared to talk about horses for hours.
"Amobacter equuii" is usually found in females but can occasionally infect males as well.
My horsey friends love this important information as they are happy that they

finally have an diagnosis.

Here is one of my big ponies that gave me Amobactor equuii and caused me to
drive 110 miles yesterday and got an expensive speeding ticket...
Finally entering 2010...
It looks like I've been quite delinquent with my blog posting here...
I've been very busy with my Dad as his condition is getting more difficult. He is 84-years-old and physically fit, but has dementia. It's like having an adult size 2-year-old. However, I am appreciative that he is still with us.
I do post a line here and there to my twitter or facebook, so follow the happenings on them...
I'll try my best to keep up with our news and our breeders' reports. More to come shortly... I promise.
Friday, October 09, 2009
Champion colt by Wonderful
Wilson by Wonderful of Peggy Sue by Pointmaker became the site champion at Starr Vaughn Oldenburg foal inspection. Congratulations to breeder Jane Buyny.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Rubino's youngsters shine in dressage competition!
A couple of youngsters by our dressage genius Rubino Bellissimo are proving themselves and rivaling their sire's show records at this young age.
5-year-old Rubina is showing up to Second Level, and receiving 78% for her 1st level tests and her first outing at a USDF sanctioned Second Level test, she received 73.947% with her breeder and trainer Christiane Noelting. Rubina is for sale and you can see the video from her first show (ridden by Christane's rider) at: Christiane's website. She is now schooling up to 3rd level movements, including flying changes already.
Meanwhile, 4-year-old Ruduc von Foxpaw, "Duke" with his Vintage Cup eligible owner/rider Diane Pulles are cleaning up in the Midwest. He has been shown up to First level and receiving scores up to 72.333%. Here is a mention at his breeder Foxpaw Farm's website.
Here is a quick summary of Rubino Bellissimo's records:
- At 4 years old: First level all above 70~78%. Material class 87~89.5%. (Never competed Training Level.)
- At 5 years old: CDS Year-end Champion at First Level, Champion of USDF All-Breeds Award, 4th at Second Level, only 0.4% behind the champion in a very competitive group.
Duke beat his sire by showing and winningTraining Level and Material class as a 3-year-old! Congratulations to both breeders and owners!
Monday, September 07, 2009
Weltido Reserve Champion at his very first show
Weltido by Wonderful out of EM Barcelona (Batido) bred by Linda Hackney of San Diego Sport Horses achieved double Reserve Champions at his very first show with a score of 80%.
He is now owned by Elaine Barnes in Washington, and here is her brief report forwarded by Linda:
From Weltido |
He is now owned by Elaine Barnes in Washington, and here is her brief report forwarded by Linda:
I hope these pictures are not to big this time. His conformation is a little off, its just the way he is standing, and when the professional pictures come I will send one to you for your web site. But here he is. Reserve Champion in the USDF Colt and Gelding 3 year old class. There was a total of 10 horses who qualified with a score of 76% and higher. I believe his score was 80%. The person who is shown with him was a "catch rider" for the day, but Tido loves people and did his very best for her, and she is on the list of people who feel they absolutely must have him. The background looks a mess, on that day we basically had a monsoon rain pour and it blew most of the decorations down. Linda this was a new place he had never been to, he walked in and nothing phased him. See ya later, Elaine
Congratulations to both Elaine and Linda. Weltido's yearling full brother is available for sale. He is big, flashy, a beautiful mover, and ready to win. I wish I had my own place to buy and keep him, but I don't. :-( However, you can be the lucky one. ;-) Find more info at:
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Wonderful's grandchildren in Germany
Congratulations to Stefan Blanken for winning 1a champion in the mare family class at Tarmstedt Mare Show. All three mares are out of Wonderlady (Wonderful X Goldstern). The mare family has been with his family for generations. The three mares by Wonderlady are (See picture from left to right: Rosi, Lavinia by Loxley, and Sternschnuppe by Sir Savoy. Sternschnuppe (Shooting Star) also competed in the 3-year-old class and won her class, and achieved Reserve Grand Champion of the show with 55 mare entries.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Rubino is back!
Well, we got a few sponsors to help me get Rubino back in training. My trainer Nicole Perry got on him within a day after his arrival at the training center. Rubi apparently missed his girl friends and the familiar people and surrounding where he has known in the past two years, so I was told that he was upset and screaming when I was not with him. I guess he recognizes me as his boss mare mommy to keep him in line and feel secure. :-)
Nicole is such a brave rider. It's been 2+ years since she last rode Rubi, she just got on him (cautiously of course) and rode. She was worried because Rubi's back was tight from all the screaming, but after a short period of walking, she described that Rubi all at sudden remembered who she was and the place, and understood what he was supposed to do. He took contact of the reins and relaxed his back. From that point on, he behaved like a champion instead of a screaming idiot (her words, haha.) She described it an amazing feeling for that sudden and complete transformation and a moment that she would remember forever.
We'll take everything very slowly. It's all up to God's plan.
Nicole is such a brave rider. It's been 2+ years since she last rode Rubi, she just got on him (cautiously of course) and rode. She was worried because Rubi's back was tight from all the screaming, but after a short period of walking, she described that Rubi all at sudden remembered who she was and the place, and understood what he was supposed to do. He took contact of the reins and relaxed his back. From that point on, he behaved like a champion instead of a screaming idiot (her words, haha.) She described it an amazing feeling for that sudden and complete transformation and a moment that she would remember forever.
We'll take everything very slowly. It's all up to God's plan.
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Welt To Do is one year old!
Thanks to Welt To Do's breeder Linda of San Diego Sporthorses for sending us new pictures of her lovely yearling. He is already 15.1 hands all. Wonderful's babies are usually slow to grow, so Linda's mare EM Bravo (by Batido) really helped a lot.
Friday, May 29, 2009
White Sox by Wonderful out of Volckmar mare
Redhawk Ranch's White Sox by Wonderful out of a Dutch mare by Volckmar has grown up. With his four tall stockings and a big blaze, he is definitely named appropriately. :-)
He is ridden by a Junior rider, Jacky Meinen, right now. They went to Del Mar Horse Show for his very first show experience. He scored 64% at First Level! Here are some pictures collected from Redhawk Ranch's website.
He is ridden by a Junior rider, Jacky Meinen, right now. They went to Del Mar Horse Show for his very first show experience. He scored 64% at First Level! Here are some pictures collected from Redhawk Ranch's website.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
A quick update!
It's been a while since the last update. I've been exploring twitter; that's why. You can follow us at Meanwhile, here is the photo album of the new addition to Wonderful Sport Horses.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Introducing Ripleigh - 2009 filly by Rubino Bellissimo out of Hideaway's Dream Girl
Congratulations to Ocean Mist Farm of Florida for this beautiful and correct filly out of their Connemara mare Hideaway's Dream Girl. With the success of an older full sister Rubi's Dream, breeder Jennifer of Ocean Mist Farm repeated the cross and Ripleigh is the result.
"Hi Violet,
Attaching some new pictures of Hideaway’s Dream Girl’s filly taken today at 3 weeks old. We have named her Ripleigh. She is quite a character and a blast to be around! She is very friendly, a breeze to handle with a touch of good Irish humor.
We think this one is destined to be an eventer!"
"Hi Violet,
Attaching some new pictures of Hideaway’s Dream Girl’s filly taken today at 3 weeks old. We have named her Ripleigh. She is quite a character and a blast to be around! She is very friendly, a breeze to handle with a touch of good Irish humor.
We think this one is destined to be an eventer!"
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
New colt! Romeo Bellissimo
Congratulations to breeder Sherry White of Graystone Farm in Ohio on her healthy and correct colt by Rubino Bellissimo out of Maybach by Landwerder (AKA Silver Lining). Sherry wrote:
"Hi Violet. Maybach delivered a wonderful Rubino colt Friday evening. He's quite nicely put together and I'm very pleased. I may change his name to Romeo Bellissimo because he's so friendly and easy going. I couldn't be happier. Thanks for everything!"
Both mare and foal are for sale. Here are some pictures taken when Romeo was born and just 12 hours old. Enjoy.
"Hi Violet. Maybach delivered a wonderful Rubino colt Friday evening. He's quite nicely put together and I'm very pleased. I may change his name to Romeo Bellissimo because he's so friendly and easy going. I couldn't be happier. Thanks for everything!"
Both mare and foal are for sale. Here are some pictures taken when Romeo was born and just 12 hours old. Enjoy.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Rubino Bellissismo X SPS Wynona (Weltmeyer X SPS Maya (Marco Polo))
Thanks to Susan sending me the pictures so quickly. Here is her new filly, not quite one day old yet.
Hi Violet,
We still can't get over this filly. She's the epitome of modern type as opposed to her dam that's the old type. When you look at them together, it's pretty mind boggling. Rubino sure did the job we'd hoped he would.
It turns out she has more than a star, it's a blaze. She also has two white hind feet and white above those.
P.S. Please forward these to Mary Scott DVM
Hi Violet,
We still can't get over this filly. She's the epitome of modern type as opposed to her dam that's the old type. When you look at them together, it's pretty mind boggling. Rubino sure did the job we'd hoped he would.
It turns out she has more than a star, it's a blaze. She also has two white hind feet and white above those.
P.S. Please forward these to Mary Scott DVM
New Rubino Bellissimo filly - Congratulations to the Crossens...
Got the exciting news via email at 6 PM PST last night! Can't wait to see the pictures.
Hi Violet,
We just delivered a gorgeous, large and perfect filly by Rubino and Wynona. She's just wonderful. Her legs are almost as long as her dams. Beautiful head. Nice slim neck.
Tom thinks she's the cats meow. She's so tall she had trouble finding the teats. We had to help. Now we're watching to make sure she gets them on her own.
I'll send pictures as soon as we get her outside. I'll think you'll be very impressed.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Welt To Do by Wonderful
San Diego Sporthorses just posted the video clips of their outstanding colts:
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