Sunday, September 30, 2007

Breed Show winner Roosevelt by Rubino Bellissimo out of Wisentanz (Wolkentanz)

Roosevelt, aka Teddy, was great at Proud Meadow Fall Sporthorse Breed Shows I & II.

His great movements wowed the judges and spectators in spite of his uneven growth spurt at the moment. He achieved the following great honors:

Proud Meadow Fall Sporthorse Breed Shows I

  • Second, Colts of 2007, 76.2%
  • First, Hanoverian Individual Breed Class, 76.4%

Proud Meadow Fall Sporthorse Breed Shows II

  • First, Colts of 2007, 72.4%
  • Champion Colt
  • Great American/USDF Breeders Cup Qualifier

Great American/USDF Breeders Cup Final

  • Reserve Champion Colt 74.85%

Congratulations to owner Jacquie Hawks and Teddy's breeder Dr. Jackie Nixon-Fulton of Wild Oaks Ranch, that also earned great awards with their mare Rosantanz, by Rosathal and out of Teddy's dam, and another youngster from their breeding program, Prada.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Portrait of Regal Dona and Demitasse HF

Regal Dona (Rubino Bellissimo X Prince Thatch xx) and her foal Demitasse HF by Delaurentis. Both bred by Dr. Julie Ballard-Haralson.

Photo by Bella Vita Photography.

Elite Mare Regal Dona and her foal Demitasse HF

Demitasse HF top filly at her AHS Inspection and Reserver Grand Champion at the Southern Hospitality Dressage Sport Horse Breed Show II. Congratulations to breeder and owner Dr. Julie Ballard-Haralson!
Photo by Bella Vita Photography.